
Saturday, February 8, 2020 - 00:00

Crossfit Pushin Weight - CrossFit


3:00 Bike

-:20 Work / :40 Recovery*

*Every round of :20 Work, increase the pace


3 Rounds:

5 Bootstrappers

10 Cossack Squats

10 Scap Pull-Ups

5 Kipping Swings


Teams of 3 :

Every 3:00 for 24:00

Station 1 : Back Squat (185/125) (135/95)

Station 2 : Calorie Bike

Station 3 : Toes to Bar

Station 4 : Rest

*Fight Gone Bad Style. P1 starts on Station 1 / P2 on Station 2 / P3 on Station 3 & rotates down. Teammates rotate between stations 1,2,3 and all partners rest at same time for the final station. No additional rest b/t stations.

**Back Squat comes from ground.