
Thursday, November 3, 2016 - 23:00

Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit


2 Rounds:

5x Jumping Pull-Ups

7x Thrusters (45/35/15)

10x PVC Dislocates

5x Inch Worms

7x Leg Swings (Forward & Lateral)


Metcon (Time)

Teams of 3/4:

Athlete 1: 3k Row

Athlete 2:

100x Pull-Ups

200x Thrusters (75/55)

300x Burpees Onto Plate (45/25)
In honor of all the athletes competing this weekend at "Gangs of the Mid-Atlantic" and the gym being closed we are gonna perform the 3rd workout in their honor. The workout is labeled as "Heroes" and couldn't be more fitting for R.E.D. Friday.

Workout Description:

-One athlete is rowing

-One athlete is performing chipper

-Remaining athletes are resting

-One athlete must be on the rower at all times until it is completed

-Only one athlete may be working on the chipper at a time

-Total time is the combined time of the chipper & 3k row

-Once the row is finished the 4th athlete may rotate in on the chipper