
Tuesday, October 8, 2019 - 23:00

Crossfit Pushin Weight - CrossFit


2 Rounds:

5x Clean Pulls 5x Strict Press

5x Muscle Clean 5x Push Press

5x Power Clean 5x Push Jerk


10x Ring Rows

10x Wall Balls

300M Row


1) Every :90 for 7:30:

3 T&G Power Clean & Push Jerks

- beginning @ 65% of 1RM, build to a heavy triple

*Rest 2:00 before beginning #2

2) 1:30 Max Effort Power Clean & Push Jerks @ 85% of Max Load from #1

Clean and Jerk (3-3-3-3-3)

Clean and Jerk

Max Reps


Metcon (16 Rounds for reps)

4 Rounds of:

1:00 ME Row

1:00 ME V-Ups

1:00 ME Ring Rows (Feet On Box)

1:00 ME Wall Ball (30/20) (10/9)

Row = Ski/Bike

V-Ups = Ab Mat Sit-Ups

Ring Rows = Feet On Floor

WB = Load / Height


1a) 3x8 Behind the Neck Push Press

- Rest 60 seconds, Jerk Grip

1b) 3x8 Barbell Bent Over Row

- Rest 60 seconds, work to a near 8RM

*Note: This is to be done outside of the class setting if the athlete has time. It is not to interfere with classes.

Behind the Neck Push Press (8-8-8)

Bent Over Row (8-8-8)