Learning and Training

Sunday, November 13, 2016 - 05:00
This week at CrossFit Pushin Weight:

We had Dr. Casey Smith in with us to talk about pelvic floor dysfunction. It is so common to hear women talk about peeing a little when they workout (or sneeze, or laugh!). It is common but it is not normal. It is a sign of a leak (no pun intended) in the system.  Dr. Smith taught us how the pelvic floor is part of a whole system in your body how each piece needs to be functioning and strong! She gave us some exercises to work on to help strengthen those important parts!



The Women's barbell club decided to shake things up this week and drop the barbells and pick up TRX handles! It is so fun to shake things up and do things a little differently. There are so many fitness modalities out there that are fun to play with. Moving your body in different ways is so good for you.  Shake it up a little this week!
