Coach Spotlight Mike Echevarria

Wednesday, June 15, 2016 - 14:35

We have been doing member spotlights lately but our coaches need some spotlighting too. Exhibit Eche :

1. Just a little bit about yourself, Where you grew up, family, pets, occupation etc.
- I'm Mike! Everyone calls me Eche! Im originally from Miami, Fl and moved here when I was 17. Currently work as a logistics analyst but eventually would love to become a full time trainer/coach! I love to have a good time and love CrossFit, so I try real hard to have as much fun as I can while I suffer at the gym haha

2. Your athletic background? 
- I played all sports growing up but I played baseball all through high school.

3. How did you get to CrossFit Pushin W8 and when did you start coaching?
- When I started at CFPW8, it didn't even have the name yet. I started getting coached by Tyler in his garage and I've been with Pushin W8 ever since. I've been doing CrossFit for nearly 5 years and coaching for nearly 4 years.

4. Proudest moment as an athlete. Proudest moment as a coach. 
- This one is tough, but as an athlete, probably doing and finishing the smolov squat cycle in order to reach my goal to squat over 400lbs.

-As a coach, it's pretty hard to pick one but if I had to, any time an athlete survives my "empty the tank" push on the last bit of any conditioning. Seeing them push themselves and give the workout every bit they have, when encouraged, is pretty rewarding to see. I think most people will know what I'm talking about, if you don't, you're missing out ?

5. What is your favorite cheat meal? 
- boneless wings with cheese fries, without a doubt.

6. What is your favorite hero workout?
- probably DT. It's a love/hate thing, I hate it because it normally takes a long mental push that can make or break you and I love it cause the pump you get from it makes me feel jacked!
